
  1. Learn To Play Poker Beginner
  2. Learn How To Read Hands
  3. How To Read Opponents Hands In Poker

Hand reading is a poker skill which can transform you from an average player into a big winner. When you can put your opponent on a specific hand (or more likely a range of possible hands), your decisions will be easier to make thus you will pick off more bluffs. Learning to read hands is the kind of skill that gets easier the more you play. What this article provides is a basic system for how to read hands. It will give you and understanding of the principals behind this skill, which you can use to keep getting better over time.

Oct 10, 2014  Andrew Brokos of the Thinking Poker podcast provides the first of a two-part series introducing the topic of hand reading.

First you will find a discussion on ranges, that is the entire set of possible hands an individual would play early in a poker hand. Next I will show you how their bets on the flop, turn and river help you to narrow down this range to specific holdings. After this you will see information on the math involved in card distribution. This shows the likelihood of certain hands being dealt. Finally a word of warning, reading the hands of complete novices who do not know how to play properly can be dangerous and should be approached with caution.

Start With A Range

Putting someone on a specific hand based on very little information is known as ‘guessing’ rather than hand reading. When an individual raises from middle position, then the best you can do at this point is to assign a range of hands which they might do this with.

An example might be pairs 55 or higher, Ace-Jack suited or Ace-Queen offsuit or better, suited connectors 7-8 or higher and the occasional stealing hand like King-Nine for good measure.

This will be the baseline which you use to narrow down their holding based on bets throughout the hand. If instead of raising, that same player re-raised an opponent who is known to be reasonably tight, you would assign a completely different range of hands.

Here Aces, Kings, Queens, Jacks and Ace-King or Ace-Queen might be the entire range.

Note that re-raising a looser and wilder opponent could involve a wider range of hands. You need to think of these ranges in terms of position, situation and the different players at the table. This becomes easier with practice.

Narrow The Range Based On Flop, Turn And River Bets

Your objective is to get to a smaller range of hands by the time the big bets go into the pot. You can do this by gradually narrowing down the possible holdings based on the betting. I will use a simplified example of an extremely predictable player to demonstrate the principals involved. You can practice this when not involved in the hand, as it becomes easier the more than you apply it.

This time there is one caller on the button and the flop comes down with very few potential draws. Our straightforward player bets half of the pot, which he would probably do with most of his hand. What we can do is remove the suited connectors, the smallest pairs and the missed Ace-Queen from his hand at this point.

Now the button raises – effectively stating that he has a strong hand. The initial raiser flat calls, which allows us to narrow his range further.

He would certainly do this with a flopped set or an over-pair to the board like aces. It is far less likely that he would do this with a missed ace-king or random hands which just contain a single pair. We have effectively narrowed his range significantly.

Ok, this example is a little contrived, though it does demonstrate the process of asking yourself what parts of someone’s initial raising range justify their behavior on the flop. You can rule out a surprising number of hands from an opponent’s initial range this way.

Card Distribution

Certain hands are more likely to be dealt than others based on how many cards of each type there are in the deck. The clearest example is to imagine a player who 5-bets all-in. You know that this guy is a nit, and would only do this with Aces, Kings or Ace-King. The question is how many times does he have each hand?

There are 12 ways to deal Aces based on suits and the same for Kings. When it comes to Ace-King there are 16 ways that this can be dealt. This means that, from the math alone he has Ace-King 16 times for every 24 times he has a pair. 40% of the time he makes this raise he turns up with Ace-King and the other 60% one of the pairs.

Once you know the proportions you can work out the chances of your own hand winning the pot against these hands in relation to how often they are dealt.


Hand Reading And Fish and Sharks

Hand reading works best against players who understand poker strategy and make ‘rational plays’ based on the situation. Against complete novices it is more difficult, since their play is by its very nature unpredictable. You can easily work out when these guys are strong or chasing a draw, and I recommend you focus on getting the maximum value from your own monster hands against them instead of tying yourself in knots reading their hands.

Very good players are also difficult to read. They will deliberately vary their bets a small proportion of the time to stop themselves becoming predictable. Make sure you know who has the experience and ability to do this – and make sure you mix up your betting a little against good hand readers too.

Poker in 2018 is as competitive as it has ever been. Long gone are the days of being able to print money playing a basic ABC strategy.

Today your average winning poker player has many tricks in their bags and tools in their arsenals. Imagine a soldier going into the heat of battle. Without his weapons, he is practically useless, and chances of survival are extremely low.

If you sit down at a poker table without any preparation or general understanding of poker fundamentals, the sharks are going to eat you alive. Sure you may get lucky once in a blue moon, but over the long term, things won’t end well.

With the evolution of poker strategy, you now have many tools at your disposal. Whether it be online poker training sites, free YouTube content, poker coaching, or poker vlogs, there’s no excuse to be a fish in today's game.

Some of the essential fundamentals you need to be utilizing that every poker player should have in their bag of tricks whether you are a Tournament or Cash Game Player are concepts such as hand combinations (Also known as hand combinatorics or hand combos).

Hand Combinations and Hand Reading

If you were to analyze a large sample of successful poker players you would notice that they all have one skill set in common: Hand Reading

What does hand reading have to do with hand combinations you might ask?

Well, poker is a game of deduction and to be a good hand reader, you need to be good at correctly ranging your opponents.

Once you have assigned them a range, you will then need to start narrowing that range down. Combinatorics is one of the ways we do this.

So what is combinatorics? It may sound like rocket science and it is definitely a bit more complex than some other poker concepts, but once you get the hang of combinatorics it will take your game to the next level.

Combinatorics is essentially understanding how many combos each of your opponent's potential holdings are and deducing their potential holdings utilizing concepts such as removal and blockers.

There are 52 cards in a deck, 13 of each suit, and 4 of each rank with 1326 poker hands in total. To simplify things just focus on memorizing all of the potential combos to start:

  • 16 possible hand combinations of every unpaired hand
  • 12 combinations of every unpaired offsuit hand
  • 4 combinations of each suited hand
  • 6 possible combinations of pocket pairs

Here is a short video example of using combinatorics to count the number of ways a non-paired hand AK can be arranged (i.e. how many combos there are):

So now that we have this memorized, let's look at a hand example and how we can apply combinatorics in game.

We hold AQ in the SB and 3bet the BTN’s open to 10bb with 100bb stacks. He flats and we go heads up to a flop of

A 5 4

We check and our opponent checks back with 21bb in the middle

Turn is the 4

We bet 10bb and our opponent calls for a total pot of 41bb

The river brings the 9

So the final board reads

A 5 4 4 9

We bet 21bb and our opponent jams all in leaving us with 59bb to call into a pot of 162bb resulting in needing at least 36% pot equity to win.

Our opponent is representing a polarized range here. He is either nutted or representing missed draws so we find ourself in a tough spot. This is where utilizing combinatorics to deduce his value hands vs bluffs come into play. Now we need to narrow down his range given our line and his line. Let's take a look at how we do this...

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Blockers and Card Removal Effects

First, let's take a look at the hands we BLOCK and DON’T BLOCK

Since we hold an Ace in our hand and there is an Ace on the board, that only leaves 2 Ace’s left in the deck. So there is exactly 1 combo of AA.

We BLOCK most of the Aces he can be holding, so we can REMOVE some Aces from his range.

We do not BLOCK the A as we hold AQ, and the A on the board is a spade, so it is still possible for him to have some Axhands.

We checked flop to add strength to our check call range (although a bet with a plan to triple barrel is equally valid in this situation SB vs BTN) and because of this our opponent may not put us on an A here.

Poker How To Read Hands

If he is a thinking player his jam can exploit our thin value bet on the river turning his missed straight/flush draws into a bluff to get us to fold our big pocket pairs and even make it a tough call with our perceived weak holdings.

The problem in giving him significant credit for this part of his bluffing range is the question of would he really shove here with good SDV (Showdown Value)?

These are the types of questions we must ask ourselves to further deduce his range along with applying the combinatoric information we now have.

Now, let's look at all the nutted Ax hands our opponent can have.

If he has a nutted hand like A4 or A5, and we assume he is only calling 3bets with Axs type hands, the only suited combo of those hands he can have are exactly A5. He can’t have A5 or A4 because the 4 and the 5 are both diamonds on the board blocks these hands.

Learn To Play Poker Beginner

Lets take a look at all of this value hands:

There is only 1 combo of 44 left in the deck, 2 combos of A9s, 3 Combos of 55, 3 Combos of 99, 2 Combos of 45s - some of these hands may also be bet on the flop when facing a check.

So to recap we have:

1 Combo A5s, 2 Combos of A9s, 3 Combos of 55 (With one 5 on board, the number of combinations of 55 are cut in half from 6 combos to 3 combos), 1 Combo of 44, 2 Combos of 45s, 3 Combos of 99

Total: 12 Value Combos

Now we need to look at our opponent's potential bluffs

Based on the villain's image, this is the range of bluffs we assigned him:

KQ(1 Combo), JT(1 Combo), T9(1 Combo), 67s (4 Combos)


He may also turn some other random hands with little showdown value into bluffs such as A2/A3

Total: 9 Bluff Combos

9(Bluff Combos) + 12(Value Combos) = 22

9/21 = 42% of the time our opponent will be bluffing (assuming he always bets this entire range)

11/21 = 58% of the time our opponent will be value raising

Now, this is the range we assigned him in game based on the action and what we perceived our opponents range to be.

We are not always correct in applying the exact range of his potential holdings, but so long as you are in the ballpark of that range you can still make quite a few deductions to put yourself in the position to make the correct final decision.

According to the range we assigned him, he has 11 Value Combos and 9 Bluff Combos which gives us equity of 42%. This would result in a positive expected value call as we only need 36% pot odds to call.

However, unless you are playing against very tough opponents you will not see someone bluffing all 9 combos we have assigned - most likely they will bluff in the range of 4-6 combos on average which gives equity in the range of 20-30% equity. This is not enough to call.

We ultimately made our decision based on the fact that we felt our opponent was much less likely to jam with his bluffs in this spot. Given that it was already a close decision to begin with, we managed to find what ended up being the correct fold.

Learn How To Read Hands

Now this all may seem a bit overwhelming, but if you just start taking an extra minute on your big decisions you’d be surprised how quickly you can actually process all this information on this spot.

A good starting point is to simply memorize all of the possible hand combinations listed above near the beginning of the article.

Get access to our 30-minute lesson on Combinatorics and PokerStove by clicking on one of the buttons below:

Conclusion On Combinatorics

Eventually accounting for your opponent's combos in a hand will become second nature. To get to the point that , a lot of the work needs to be done off the table and in the lab. As you spend more time studying it and reviewing hand histories like the one above, you will find yourself intuitively and almost subconsciously using combinatorics in your decision making tree.

But the work will be worth the effort, as being able to count combos on the fly will add a new dimension to your game, allow you to make more educated decisions, become a tougher opponent to play against and move away from playing ABC poker.

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How To Read Opponents Hands In Poker

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